Sunday, August 30, 2009

Yearning for order

It's been nearly a month since I got to Delhi and unlike in Gulbarga, where I was before, here I feel a little lost. There is nowhere that I have to be everyday, no one I have to meet regularly. Things have to be accomplished, but not necessarily in any particular order, or by any soon-to-arrive moment. I am master of my own schedule, and I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with it. The past few years on campus have been so goal oriented--working towards term papers, exams and proposal deadlines. I chugged along happily for the most part then... a little tug-boat on her way to some not-so-far port. Now I feel like a sail-boat adrift on some windless ocean.

It's quite common, I'm told...this ethnographic ennui...this feeling that nothing is happening when all sorts of liminal-taboo-transgressive-totemic-PoCo-PoMo-metareflexive moments were promised in all those fascinating ethnographies written by others who went before you.
I guess I just need to dig my own little groove here; set myself tasks that need to get done everyday. Else, this spiral of unaccounted hours and days threatens to overwhelm the next six months.

Here's hoping for some structured sanity.


Unknown said...

Hm. If waiting doesn't work, maybe you could start poking your interlocutors with sticks. That should get 'em moving.

"Transgress, damn you! Let's see some liminality over here. I didn't fly halfway across the globe to fer nuthin'!"

And then you can write all about it. You'll be credited with starting a neo-interventionist school of cultural anthropology. The possibilities are limitless. Get poking!

Courtney said...

I hear ya' sister; and a huzzah to Megan ;)